Planting Plan

On approval of the presentation plan, our focus moves to the planting plan. We will create a scaled plan with hedges, structural planting and trees. All plants will be positioned with full Latin names.

A plant images board with full plant schedule is created giving you a better understanding of the plants to be introduced in your garden.

Now we give full consideration to bringing your garden to life. Designing a planting scheme is about horticultural knowledge combined with flair to create a tapestry of layers, textures and colours in your garden that will also provide seasonal interest.

We will also create a plant board showing images of the plants that will be introduced into your garden. The selection process takes into account

  • The soil type and aspect of your garden
  • What plants will suit the conditions of your garden and thrive
  • The colour palette – which colours you particularly love
  • The style of your garden
  • The maintenance of your garden, who is going to care for it and how much time will be dedicated to this

We believe our clients should be able to enjoy the views of their garden throughout the year.

A scaled plan will be created showing trees, hedges and structural planting. It will also show the position of each plant with clear labelling in Latin plus the quantity.

The planting plan also comes with a detailed planting schedule. Every specie of plant is listed in alphabetical order with quantity, pot size and specification. We don’t stop there. We will also source the plants for you. This schedule is set up ready to send to our trade nurseries. Manoj Malde Garden Design is supported by some of the best nurseries and nursery people in the UK who have grown plants for medal winning show gardens.

Not all of our clients need a whole garden redesigned. Some require just the borders to be rejuvenated, others maybe enthusiastic gardeners and are happy to do the planting themselves but need help with a plan, plant selection, hierarchy of plants and positioning them. We can help with all of this.

At Manoj Malde Garden Design we can design a scheme for whatever style of garden you desire

  • Low Maintenance Gardens
  • English Country Cottage Gardens
  • Contemporary Gardens
  • Wildlife Friendly Gardens
  • Italianate Gardens
  • Sensory Gardens
  • Mediterranean Gardens
  • Japanese Gardens

We will find the right plants to enhance the look that you want.

Once the planting plan is approved by our client we can then proceed to the tender process.

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